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Changes to Portals and Leashable Boats in Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 1

The Minecraft 1.21 update snapshots have finally ended, and pre-release builds have begun to appear. The first in line is the 1.21 Pre-Release 1 update for Minecraft, which includes several useful additions. Without further ado, let's talk about the 1.21 pre-release 1, which mostly includes bug fixes and modifications that will alter how you play Minecraft.

1. Portals Are Used by Player Riding Entities

Players who ride creatures such as horses or minecarts may now access the Nether portal or the End portal, in contrast to before this update. This is a significant development since it opens up the possibility of creating very thrilling roller coasters and even horse racetracks with many dimensions. Creating these games will be an absolute delight for the imaginative community builders.

2. Ender Pearls Use Portals to Transport Players

Players may now be transported to various dimensions by using ender pearls, which is another significant development pertaining to portals. All you have to do is toss the ender pearl into the portal, and you will materialize at the precise spots inside the other realm. Players of Minecraft had previously brought up this problem, which has since been resolved.

3. Various Materials Combine to Create Double Doors

Doors of various materials may now be combined to create a double door. Attempt to arrange two doors side by side and see the enchantment.

4. Boats on Leashes

Now, for the last significant update from this Minecraft 1.21 pre-release 1, we'll talk about a feature that was accessible to Java players but was long absent from the Bedrock version. Yes, a Minecraft lead on a boat is now usable. There are a number of reasons why this transformation is so significant.Consider that you have to move two villagers on a single boat to a new place. That is to say, you are no longer need to spend time separating the people into separate boats or minecarts. You only need to tie up the boat and pull two folks at a time. The minor parity function will greatly simplify the task of moving villagers, an issue that many players encounter.The mace has also seen some modifications; its attack speed in the Java version is now 0.6. Many additional bug fixes were also included in the official Minecraft 1.21 pre-release 1 patch notes.Overall, I'm rather pleased with these pre-release 1 adjustments for Minecraft 1.21 and find it amazing that the features of the game are nearly ready for play. How do you feel about these modifications? Tell us in the comments section below!