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The Top 15 Female Naruto Characters (Ranked)

Similar to One Piece (see the best female characters in One Piece list below), Naruto has a ton of incredible female characters. They were all very important to the narrative and succeeded in capturing our hearts in the anime. Let's examine the top female characters in Naruto, ranging from the legendary Sakura to the underappreciated Karin.

Warning: Spoilers ahead!: There are spoilers about the female characters in Naruto in this page. To prevent spoiling the intended experience, we advise you to watch the anime or read the manga first.

We have listed the best 15 female characters in Naruto based on their power, characterisation, appeal, and ability to make their characters stand out. Now that we have stated that, let's begin.

1. Tsunade

An image of Tsunade
Photo Credit: Pierrot Animation Studios (Fandom) / Naruto
Tsunade is without a doubt the most outstanding female character in the Naruto world. Given that she is descended from the formidable Senju and Uzumaki clans, it is understandable why she is the most potent Kunoichi in the whole globe. Tsunade was able to turn her life around because to Jiraiya and Naruto. She was the sixth Hokage to govern Konoha and was regarded as the greatest medical-nin in history. In the series, she is the first female character to ever become a Hokage.Tsunade was well-known around the globe for her strength and power because she was a part of the fabled Sannins. Tsunade lost her path as a result of her tragic losses, but she eventually found her way back. Because of her seductive appearance, her character is adored by fans and has very strong writing. Tsunade continues to be the greatest female character in Naruto even to this day.

2. Uchiha Sakura

An image of Sakura
Photograph courtesy of Pierrot Animation Studios (Fandom) for Naruto
Sakura's name instantly brings to mind the animosity she endured from her admirers. However, when more and more people begin to recognize Sakura's persona as genuine, the roles have now been reversed. In the Naruto worldwide popularity poll, she came in third place overall. She was rated higher than Sasuke, Naruto, and, well, the list goes on, let me clarify.This demonstrates the way Sakura's character developed. Although she had ups and downs, her character is realistic in general because of this.Sakura's power overtook many, making her the strongest Kunoichi of her time. Despite her dubious nature, it is what has shaped who she is now. She turned out to be one of the lovely characters and is now receiving the love she deserves in spite of the poisonous hate. Sakura is among the greatest female characters in Naruto and has the capacity to surpass them all.

Third, Hinata Uzumaki

An image of Hinata.
Photo Credits:
Pierrot Animation Studios, Naruto (Fandom)Hinata was considered a weak and undeserving clan member since she was born into the Hyuga clan. Still, Hinata put a lot of effort into mastering the Gentle Fist technique throughout the years, and she combined it with her better Byakugan to further increase her abilities. She proceeded to prove everyone wrong with her amazing skills. Moreover, Hinata was referred to by Hamura Ōtsutsuki as the “Byakugan Princess,” which is an impressive accomplishment.Aside from her abilities, Hinata's kind nature has won the hearts of her admirers everywhere. The only person who accepted Naruto for who he was in the midst of the villagers' hatred for him was Hinata. She had always loved him and made her emotions known throughout the Pain arc. And as everyone had hoped, Hinata eventually wed Naruto. So, a nice, compassionate female character like her belongs on our list.

4. Ōtsutsuki Kaguya

An image of Kaguya.
Photograph courtesy of Pierrot Animation Studios (Fandom) for Naruto
We get to see a massive sequence of events in Naruto mostly because of Kaguya. She was a figure who prioritized peace above all else and turned out to be a villain. It's similar to the well-known line from Star Wars, "You were supposed to destroy them, not join them." Kaguya became a monster consumed by power as a result of her taste of betrayal and her loss of confidence in others. She was such a great character that, well, the narrative required that she become wicked.Prior to becoming a villain, Kaguya was a nice and sympathetic figure. She became one of the greatest female Naruto characters ever as a result. That, however, was short-lived as her thirst for power led her to turn sides. Fortunately, her boys ended her fixation with power, but it didn't stop her from using her will to present herself ahead of them. She will always be regarded as one of the anime universe's most formidable antagonists.

5. Chiyo

An image of Chiyo.
Photo Credits:
Pierrot Animation Studios, Naruto (Fandom)Sasori in Naturo was the granddaughter of Granny Chiyo. and the Village Hidden in the Sand's counselor. She was formerly a medical ninja and a well-known master puppeteer. Granny Chiyo was a knowledgeable figure in the drama, much like a good elder. She was acknowledged as a master of both poisons and puppets. The fact that she was well-liked and well-known in her community demonstrates what a wonderful person she was.Chiyo was a kind and kind person, as seen by the photo of her with Sasori. After her grandson went rogue and joined the Akatsuki in Naruto, she yearned to see him again. She helped Sakura fight her grandson Sasori even in her advanced years. Granny Chiyo left her mark on our hearts in a short amount of time, and we will never forget the sacrifice she made to bring Gaara back to life.

6. Konan

An image of Konan.
Photo Credits:
Pierrot Animation Studios, Naruto (Fandom)Konan was a war orphan in this planet of shinobi destroyed by conflict and subsequently got the chance to learn under the legendary shinobi Jiraiya. She was one of the first members of the Akatsuki and rapidly became well-known as an Amegakure kunoichi. A sad loss in her life led Konan, a character, to eventually become wicked.Her natural ability to fold origami served as the inspiration for her Paper Ninjutsu technique. Because of her "Dance of the Shikigami" move, Konan earned the nickname "Angel." Because it changed her whole body into controllable sheets of paper at her command, it was very effective. Konan used to be a bright and nice child, but after her losses, her demeanor altered. She became somewhat somber, yet she never stopped being an ardent and furious Akatsuki warrior.

Kushina Uzumaki

An image of Kushina.
7.Photo Credits:
Pierrot Animation Studios, Naruto (Fandom)Mother of the main character Naruto, Kushina Uzumaki is the spouse of Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze. She was descended from Naruto's mighty Uzumaki clan. Kushina was descended from the Uzumaki clan and had a vast quantity of life force and chakra. In addition, Kushina was skilled in sealing jutsu. As amazing a ninja as her kid and husband, she was.Despite having little screen time, Kushina has been an amazing character. Jiraiya, the legendary Sannin, was impressed by her amazing ability and bestowed upon her the rank of kunoichi. From what little I saw of her, she seemed like a really kind and caring person. It's unfortunate that her whole persona was not shown to us. She is, however, without a doubt one of Naruto's greatest female characters.

8. Mei Terumi

An image of Mei.
Photo Credits:
Pierrot Animation Studios, Naruto (Fandom)Mei is among the strongest kunoichis we have ever seen, much like Tsunade. With her abilities, she became Mizukage and her people looked forward to her for mending her nation. The fact that became a Mizukage is sufficient evidence of her strength at the time. Now, in terms of her personality, she is a well-wisher who is energetic and nice. Despite her limited debut in Shippuden (see Naruto Shippuden fillers list here), Mei is an excellent character overall.

Temari Nara

An image of Temari.
9.Photo Credits:
Pierrot Animation Studios, Naruto (Fandom)Temari was .was presented as more of an antagonist, but her incredible performance completely changed that. She is Gaara's sister, a formidable kunoichi, and the Fourth Kazekage's daughter. At first, Temari came out as a harsh and unforgiving person, but she eventually showed Shikamaru her soft side. Her tsundere personality is still adored by her followers today. For all eternity, Temari's bravery and spirit will live on in our hearts.Having undergone intense instruction, she is acknowledged as one of the most gifted Kunoichi of her time. She was selected to serve as the fifth Kazekage's guard at the Kage Summit. And Temari is still just as strong and powerful as she was before she married Shikamaru, deserving of a spot among the top 10 greatest female characters in Naruto.


An image of Ino.
Ino YamanakaPhoto Credits:
Pierrot Animation Studios, Naruto (Fandom)As a member of Team Asuma, Ino Yamanaka is descended from the illustrious Yamanaka clan. She is also a more powerful Ino-Shika-Chō of this age. Since the beginning, Ino has shown bravery by standing up for her buddy Sakura against bullying. Years have passed since she defended her, and he is still furious and very devoted to defend her friends. Ino has a tremendous fan following despite being gorgeous, but her character and abilities are often underestimated.The seventh Hokage admitted that Ino is now the strongest member of her clan that they have ever seen. In Naruto, Ino is a fantastic female character with a fearless demeanor and incredible abilities.


Karin Uzumaki
An image of Karin.
Photo Credits:
Pierrot Animation Studios, Naruto (Fandom)We were taken aback to learn that Karin belonged to the Uzumaki clan in Naruto. She was the redhead that stuck with Sasuke Uchiha and Orochimaru in the end. Karin was given the responsibility of guarding one of Orochimaru's hiding places. Her awful past compelled her to team up with him.She does, however, have one of the strongest life energies and chakras since she is an Uzumaki. She eventually ran upon Sasuke, with whom she fell in love and decided to enlist in his squad. We were able to see more of her at that point.One of the smartest and strongest characters in anime is Karin. Karin had a unique ability called the "Mind's Eye of the Kagura," which allowed her to sense other people's chakras. She and her supporters may both use self-biting as a self-cure method. With the Adamantine Sealing Chains during the Fourth Great Ninja War, she demonstrated her value. All things considered, Karin is a tsundere-type figure who, in one way or another, captured our hearts.

12. Yuhi Kurenai

An image of Kurenai.
Photo Credits:
Pierrot Animation Studios, Naruto (Fandom)Formerly, Kurenai Sarutobi led Team 8, which included Aburame, Hinata, and Kiba. She has her own fan following and is one of the greatest female characters and sensei in Naruto. However, the thing that drew everyone in was her recognition as .The finest genjutsu user in Konoha. Indeed! Itachi's genjutsu abilities are said to be comparable, which is an incredible accomplishment. Everyone considers her to be a wonderful Kunoichi as a consequence, and even Itachi recognized her abilities.In the series, Kurenai is a fearless and strong female heroine. She was a good single mother to their daughter Mirai, even after losing her spouse Asuma. We have a particular place in our hearts for the mother characters in Naruto, and Kurenai sensei was someone we couldn't overlook.

13. Mitarashi Anko

An image of Anko.
Photograph courtesy of Pierrot Animation Studios (Fandom) for Naruto
Anko Mitarashi is a Konoha-born Kunoichi with extraordinary talent. To demonstrate her might, one need only consider that she was trained by the renowned Sannin Orochimaru. She became a tokubetsu jōnin in Konoha's academy, training the next generation of pupils.In addition, she is a strong but courageous and obstinate character. She piqued the eye of Orochimaru, who took her under his care and taught her the most important skills. Both the pupils and the community know and appreciate her.

14. Tenten

An image of Tenten.
Photo Credits:
Pierrot Animation Studios, Naruto (Fandom)One of Naruto's most iconic female characters is Tenten from Team Guy. She may not have had as much screen time as her pals, but her charisma still makes her a strong character. She wanted to be as iconic a female figure as Tsunade, but she was not strong enough to make it happen. She nonetheless went on to become a competent Kunoichi despite it.She quickly recognized her aptitude with weapons and her command of sealing jutsu, giving up on medical-nin. She played a crucial role in the Fourth Great Ninja War and will never be forgotten because to her abilities. She is one of the greatest female characters in Naruto because of her upbeat and self-assured demeanor.


Karui Akimichi
An image of Karui.Photo Credit: Pierrot Animation Studios (Fandom) / Naruto
First appearing in the Naruto Shippuden anime, Karui was a Kunoichi from the Village Hidden in the Clouds. She made an impression as a fearless and unyielding figure, going to great lengths to defeat Naruto (mostly because of her fury). She is a strong Kunoichi even if she isn't the most powerful character in the series. Additionally, keep in mind that Killer B (jinchuriki of the Eight-Tails) trained her. She is now happily married to Choji and lives in Konoha with his spouse and children.Commonly Asked QuestionsOne of Naruto's strongest and most endearing female characters is Tsunade. Sakura and Hinata, however, are not far behind her in strength and skill.The girl who has secretly loved Naruto from the beginning is Hinata Hyuga. And these two are now happily married and have children in the anime series Boruto. The Boruto fillers list is available for viewing at this link.We think Sakura is the brightest female in Naruto, but Tsunade, the fifth Hokage of the Leaf Village, is the most intelligent girl.