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In the Genshin Impact 4.8 Livestream, Three New Natlan Characters Were Teased

As anticipated, the Genshin Impact 4.8 Livestream ended with a second Natlan teaser . Three new characters and many new opponent kinds in Natlan were shown in the second teaser for the game. Apart from that, we were given another in-depth look at Natlan's new "mount-style" travel mechanic, in which players traverse the devastated territories of Natlan by riding certain beasts. Here are the information that were disclosed in Natlan's second teaser, in case you missed it.

3 New Characters from Natlan

The three new characters are the main focal point of the Natlan teaser. A young lady with blue eyes and light gray hair pulled back in ponytails is the first character to be unveiled. Her first appearance is riding a creature shaped like a drill. This character most resembles Iasen's description based on ancient Natlan leaks.

The next teaser image is a white or silver-haired female with twin tails styled in her hair, and her eyes are red. She's dressed in blue, white, and gold, with thigh-high boots, shorts, and a sleeveless shirt with a high collar light. She first looks to be fishing before being seen riding a shark-like creature across the sea. This character is probably the one that Natlan recently leaked as Hydro character.A stunning green-eyed, dark-haired boy with a teal-colored headband, wearing a black inner shirt and what seems to be a teal-colored protective body suit with the sleeves trailing behind, is the third and last character shown in the Natlan teaser. Along with holding a Claymore, this figure was also shown moving utilizing the new Natlan grappling mechanic that was unveiled in the first trailer.

Additional Areas in Natlan, Saurians (Mounts?) & New Enemy Types

Picture courtesy of Genshin Impact on YouTube
Along with the three new characters, we also saw more of Natlan's environment, a couple more Saurians as mounts (?), and several opponent kinds that the three players would eventually face off against.First, we saw , a recently established city positioned at the intersection of many cliffs .including many blue flags and a large flame in the middle that seems to be powering the virtual city with what looks to be a hot air balloon at the top.
Picture courtesy of Genshin Impact on YouTube
Several new Natlan saurians were also shown off to us, some of which were dressed as mounts. They first unveiled a brown and red-furred saurian that resembled a weasel. I'm not sure yet whether this is a sort of opponent or simply one of Natlan's living creatures.Either that or character talents unique to the Natlan characters are the two mountable saurians, .seemed to be a shark and a drill machine. The Shark was shown as a surfboard with the ability to move both on land and in water, but the frill machine was represented as having the ability to cause explosions, travel on the ground, and climb cliffs.
Picture courtesy of Genshin Impact on YouTube
At last, the teaser unveiled three new humanoid opponents of Natlan, two of whom were average-sized people brandishing clubs, and one of whom was a large brute with a chainsaw attached to a long pole. In the Natlan teaser, all three of the adversaries had helmets with spikes.That concludes our discussion. All of this was revealed in the second Natlan teaser. Please let us know what you think of the Natlan teaser in the comments, and don't be afraid to point out anything we may have overlooked.