I often fall in love with video games, therefore I am not unfamiliar with works of art that might be. I've been anticipating Dungeons of Hinterburg ever since I played the Steam demo. Within minutes, I was won over by the captivating gameplay loop and exquisite artwork. I jumped at the chance to evaluate the game when Microsoft contacted me.
I've been leaping my way around this lovely town for the last several days while playing Dungeons of Hinterburg. It seems that after playing a sizable chunk of the game, the emotions from the demo have persisted. But despite a few little issues, the overall experience somehow magnifies these emotions tenfold. How did Dungeons of Hinterberg go, then? Let's investigate!
Greetings from the Hinterberg Town
Put yourself in the shoes of with Dungeons of Hinterberg.Luisa. A law student who is really burned out from life in general journeys to Hinterberg in the Austrian Alps. It sounds precisely like that, too. A location all about serene serenity and tranquillity is Hinterburg. There's a terrible secret, however, hidden among all this calm.
There are now enormous beasts and mysterious tunnels all over the place. As a consequence, an economy developed where individuals flocked to Hinterberg in an attempt to take risks and find wealth. Luisa is one of these treasure seekers, seeking the spark back into her life as much as the wealth.
In addition to the original mythology, Dungeons of Hinterberg has a well-planned plot. It's not as insane as, say, Alan Wake 2 (review), but it strikes a nice balance without making you feel unduly focused on any one item. Rather, it desires that you accept and relish things as they are. I'd even venture to suggest that Dungeons of Hinterberg sometimes has a slice-of-life vibe to it.
I would write a lot about voice acting in general, but this isn't that kind of time. There are no voice-acted roles in Dungeons of Hinterberg. You read a lot, which provides you with all the knowledge you need. Everything is masterfully written, whether it's Luisa's inner monologues or her conversations with the many Hinterberg residents. This kind of game needs to rely heavily on its narrative in order to be engaging.
"There are moments when Dungeons of Hinterberg resembles slice-of-life media."
And it does that quite well. Both the setting and the narrative in Dungeons of Hinterberg are excellent. Even while the first few hours might seem a bit hectic, the game quickly calms down after the third dungeon, allowing you to take your time, appreciate the gorgeous Hinterberg countryside, and meet people whenever you want. You will meet a lot of people. The first hour of the game establishes the tone, which it maintains throughout.
Investigate the Bright Hinterberg
The gameplay hits a mix between letting you pursue that fight-related adrenaline high and taking in the tranquil beauty of Hinterberg, even if the tale is well-intentioned and insightful. Dungeons of Hinterberg offers three difficulties to choose from. Your selection determines how the game will play out.
Apart than that, however, the game has a straightforward gameplay pattern. After completing the first dungeons, I couldn't help but notice how much it reminded me of the classic Legend of Zelda games. There would be a universe to explore and haphazard dungeons chock-full of foes and treasures.
Similar to this, Dungeons of Hinterberg does not offer a big open world, but it does have several sizable maps that are crammed with dungeons that you need to explore and learn about. I was astounded and filled with nostalgia at the places' splendor.
Take on Dungeons or Take in the Morning View
You have the option to visit any one of the four Hinterberg locales when you wake up at the beginning: Doberkogel, Hinterwald, Kolmstein, and Brunnelsump. Periodically, new sites open up outside of Doberkogel, and each region has a unique appearance. For instance, Doberkogel is a vivid spring mountain with grazing cows and verdant pastures. A jungle with orange trees, thorns, etc. is called Hinterwald.
You may also walk around each map rather freely. You may unwind by sitting at one of the lovely spots. If not, you may explore and find a dungeon to go inside and engage in combat. Remember that doing things like lounging or venturing into a dungeon will advance the time. Otherwise, however, you don't feel pressed for time.
"Dungeons of Hinterberg's maps and overall sense of calm have helped me unwind."
I said before that the game wants you to unwind. That's mandated in the maps. Once you get to the map, the game never gives you instructions. It doesn't clog the maps with pointless side missions and fetch quests.
You have a straightforward option in the game: Do you let Luisa unwind or do you challenge her to dungeons and give her strength and fame? Though it is ultimately necessary to tackle the dungeons in order to advance, sometimes it is a nice change of pace to unwind.
I will not be dishonest. After completing Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree (review), which was an utter adrenaline rush, Dungeons of Hinterberg's maps and overall lack of urgency have helped me to rest. I cherished relaxing, turning on my DualSense controller, and exploring the verdant Doberkogel.
Complete the Dungeons to Boost Your Credibility
It's all about finishing dungeons after you locate them! These days, the complexity of each dungeon in Dungeons of Hinterberg varies based on your equipment. By exploring the dungeons or purchasing them from Hinterberg, you may get stuff. We will address them later. These days, the dungeons are straightforward, linear adventures interspersed with clever puzzles and sporadic opponent encounters.
I've completed almost every Doberkogel dungeon and a few of the Hinterwald ones. The dungeons have distinct, unique puzzles in both cases. They never seemed the same way to me, and I had fun trying to think of a way to complete them. However, the dungeons aren't fundamentally flawed. Instead, after you solve the problem, you'll have a ton of fun with them.
"For someone who plays a lot of action games, this battle seemed quite mellow and relaxed.”
You'll have to contend with the monsters inside the dungeons as you navigate them. These foes aren't that different from one another, yet they are still challenging enough. Fighting is rather easy and involves either a light or a heavy strike. You have talents to utilize and can deflect any assaults that come your way.
It was very easygoing and soothing for someone who plays a lot of action games. With its straightforward pick-and-play approach, this game will drive even the most dedicated gamer insane. You may also gather charms throughout the game to use in its charm system. These enhance your performance even more by strengthening your assault, defense, and other attributes.
However, Dungeons of Hinterberg includes a fighting system that isn't too complicated if that's not your thing. Your general health and reputation will grow after finishing the dungeon, and they are necessary for the game's following section.
All things considered, the dungeon experience strongly brought back memories of the previous Legend of Zelda games, when each dungeon had a little riddle in the midst of a fight. But in this game, the riddles are more important than the fighting.
Make Friends with the Hinterberg Locals at Night or Stock Up!
You will return to the town of Hinterberg after completing a dungeon, which is open for exploration. The secret to Luisa's progress lies in the town of Hinterberg. You may either use it to shop for equipment for your next adventure or to make new friends and become better at what you do.
You'll make a lot of friends in Hinterberg on your travels. Some of them are locals, while others are travelers just like you. Speak with them and assist them in strengthening your bond. This is critical since every buddy you have has an improvement associated with them that becomes better the stronger your friendship gets.
It's a cute little mechanism that adds depth and helps the trip seem more real. One of your friends will help you track untracked dungeons on a map, while another will assist you increase your stamina.
Once again, you're never actually required by the game to make an effort to get along with any of these folks. But as you go on, it will come easy for you to meet and become friends with them. And everything is more lively overall.
The gameplay of Dungeons of Hinterberg conveys a message that it wants you to kill monsters while doing things slowly and enjoying the peace.
In addition to hanging out with pals, you may go shopping and purchase better equipment to increase your chances of surviving the dungeon. The town offers nothing else save getting together with friends and perhaps unwinding in a few spots.
My only issue with Dungeons of Hinterberg is this. tThe town has a rather dull vibe, and your only options are to meet up with your pals and go from point A to point B. Although everything seems lovely, there are moments when I think there could have been more things I could have done to spread the word about recovering from burnout.
The gameplay in Dungeons of Hinterberg promotes demon-slaying, leisurely pace, and tranquility. It is quite soothing and never actually forces you to do tasks; in due course, you will become independent.
Conclusion: Is the Adventure of Hinterburg Legendary?
Is this it then? Is Dungeons of Hinterberg the game that will keep you entertained in July and August when everything else seems dull? Sure, I'll say! The summertime excursion you may have planned around the European nations with a dash of imagination is called Dungeons of Hinterberg.
Very few 2024 games, such as Dungeons of Hinterberg, have made me feel at ease when playing them. It's serene and adequately relaxed. I believe I last experienced anything so consoling when playing the fan-translated version of Boku No Natsuyasumi 2 earlier this year. It pays appropriate homage to its well-known, long-ago Legend of Zelda inspiration by keeping it near to its heart.
Dungeons of Hinterberg is the ideal game to consider if you've been searching for the ideal addition to your Steam Deck or something a bit more relaxed but yet provides a solid challenge when needed.