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The Top 5 Things to Do Right Away After Installing Minecraft 1.21

The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials update is almost here, which means it's time to upgrade your world and begin discovering the new stuff. However, what ought to you do first? Which mechanic—the wind charge or the crafter—should you attempt first? You may pick which tasks to do first after installing the Minecraft 1.21 update with the aid of this tutorial. That being stated, let's get going!

1. Construct using Tuff and New Copper Blocks

After installing Minecraft 1.21, you should check out the new copper feature first. and tuff bricks to improve the way your buildings seem. You have the necessary materials to create new construction blocks since the standard copper and tuff blocks are already available.

copper doors, copper trapdoors, copper grates, copper bulb, tuff stairs, slabs, and walls, polished tuff, tuff bricks, and chiseled copper are those new blocks. (walls, slabs, and staircases), tuff bricks and carved tuff.

As you can see, there are many new building blocks to explore and experiment with. Don't wait any longer, and use our tutorials as a guide to create them.

2. Use the Crafter to Automate Crafting

Without a doubt, one of the most helpful redstone blocks added in recent upgrades is Crafter. We advise you to spend some time creating the crafter first if you're interested in redstone constructions and mechanics. It's simultaneously pretty basic and difficult.

You'll soon get familiar with its basic functions, but you'll need to link the crafter with other redstone components and find out how to auto-craft certain particular and complicated recipes. After installing the update, you'll spend several hours engaging in this enjoyable pastime. See here for some awesome applications of the crafter block.

3. Locate and Examine Trial Chambers

Let's now focus on the trial chambers, which are the more combat-related features of the Minecraft 1.21 release. The new structure that this update is all about is this one. Thus, one of the first things you need to do after installing the 1.21 update is to locate and investigate the trial chamber.

They include trial spawners, which are randomly created and will spawn creatures for you to battle and kill. Assuming you follow the advice in our article on pre-release activities for Minecraft 1.21, you should have enough of food and backup equipment in addition to peasants who are prepared to become cartographers.

Using the trial chambers explorer map, locate the closest trial chamber and begin exploring it. There will be a lot of mobs, so be prepared to fight them. The Breeze will make for the most thrilling and unexpected fights. Additionally, you will be able to battle and defeat the Breeze mob in the initial building since every chamber includes Breeze spawners.

Additionally, this is a fantastic chance to open vaults in Minecraft and get some priceless benefits by obtaining trial keys. However, if you're looking for an even greater challenge and even better prize, you might check out scary trials.

4. Finish the Dark Trials

Because they change normal trial spawners into ominous trial spawners with the Bad Omen effect, ominous trials are more difficult than conventional trial spawners.Most of the time, this unique spawner will summon additional mobs or mobs with stuff. It's also much harder than normal combat since random Minecraft potions and missiles will spawn above the monsters and people.If you feel comfortable using your fighting abilities, this is a wonderful challenge. An ominous trial key, which unlocks the ominous vault, is another potential prize. Special goods such as the heavy core, an enchanted golden apple, a block of diamonds, and the Creator music CDs may all be found on this block.

5. Take the Mace and Rule

You will eventually receive the heavy core after a tonne of menacing trial bouts (you may have to go through a lot of them since the drop chances are low). Once you have, you may use the most potent new weapon in Minecraft, the mace, to one-shot every monster in the game by using make a mace.You may also enchant it with the strongest mace enchantments to make it an even more lethal hammer. The mace damage increases the further you fall.But to be really damaging, the mace needs practice, so don't give up if you're not very good with it at first. If you practice enough, you'll become the most unbeatable blocky creature in the Minecraft universe.Thus, those are the five actions you need to do after the installation of Minecraft 1.21. Which of them are you going to try first? Please leave your response in the section below!